it is all for the love of the music.
4 THE LOVE OF THE MUSIC is the work of the new minted "Really Good Ideas" media firm.
We have moved the promotions department of Music First out of house and are taking on
new clients. If you are a promoter, musician, venue owner, small business owner you may
want to buy ad space. You will be featured in street zine as well as the blog. We have
been hitting the streets with our flyers and getting a response to our shows. We are
going to stop printing flyers for the most part and buy into the zine ourselves. Meaning
that our street team which is already out there rocking the town, can promote your shows
or your music and other amazing small business owners here in Winnipeg.
While at the same time providing great content from key figures in music.
We will be rolling out slowly and building up to our first issue in early March.
Get in Touch
Tyson Cormack
Really Good Ideas
204 880 4562 skype